77: What About Sex Toys? with Dr. Corey Allan

 In Interviews, Marriage, Masturbation, Podcasts, Sex

In this episode, Kenny interviews Dr. Corey Allan for a second time. This time they talk about “sex toys” and how married couples can approach the topic of being “diverse” in their quest to enhance their sexual relationship.

Dr. Allan is a therapist, author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor. He has coached hundreds of people through issues related to sexual integrity.

After the interview, Kenny gives some additional thoughts and commentary on the issue of sex toys related to single people, masturbation, celibacy, and homosexuality.


Check out our previous interview with Dr. Corey Allan (Episode 55: Why Does Sexual Purity Matter?)

Connect with Dr. Corey Allan at www.simplemarriage.net