Death is obviously a heavy topic. But as Christians, we ought to approach death differently than others do. The Bible gives us some very important things to consider when we’re thinking [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the question: Will people from all Christian denominations go to heaven, or will only certain ones, with the right doctrine, be saved in the end? This can be a [...]
Each person who puts their faith in Christ will spend eternity with Him; basking in the love, joy, and peace of God forever. For all of eternity we shall sing His praises and delight in His [...]
The concept of “soul sleep” is the idea that humans are completely unconscious or unaware of their surroundings between their physical death and the end of this age when the dead are [...]
It is widely believed by most Evangelical Christians that once we get into heaven and with Jesus, that we will not ever be able to sin or ever choose to walk away from God. This begs the [...]
A regular listener of the podcast sent in an email asking, “Can gay people go to heaven?” This is a question often asked when people read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 where it states that a [...]
It has been asked by inquiring minds, “Why did God create us as humans here on planet Earth? Why not just create us in heaven?” Sometimes this question is rooted in legitimate [...]
Most Christians believe that aborted babies go to heaven. And most Christians are vehemently against the practice of abortion. So that leads some people to ask the question, “Why oppose [...]
There are few things in this life that are more painful for a parent than the lost of a child. So, when an infant dies, we’re left with the question: What happens to them when they die? Do [...]