294: What are the Five Solas? Why do they Matter?
In this episode Kenny explains the heart of Protestant theology, which can be summed up in five key theological statements known as “The Five Solas.” The Five Solas of the Protestant [...]
In this episode Kenny explains the heart of Protestant theology, which can be summed up in five key theological statements known as “The Five Solas.” The Five Solas of the Protestant [...]
William Estep (1920–2000) was a brilliant church historian and Baptist scholar who taught at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for more than three decades (1954-1990). This book is a [...]
“Church history is the record of God’s gracious, wonderful, and mighty deeds, showing how he rules his church and conquers the world.” ―Nils Forsander, Swedish theologian [...]
Christian missionary stories have made a huge impact on our culture’s generation today. Through prayer and introducing Biblical principles, Christian missionaries have influenced education [...]
Dedicated in passionate pursuit of God’s calling on her life, Amy Carmichael has been an inspiration to many missionaries over the past century. Who was Amy Carmichael? Amy Carmichael was an [...]
Many people in ancient Greece were concerned about democracy. They believed that ordinary people couldn’t be trusted to make good decisions. Plato famously said that the voters would [...]
Born in Scotland in 1824, John G. Paton was a Christian missionary to the cannibals on the New Hebrides Islands of the South Seas until he died in 1907. His life was filled with many trials. His [...]
One of the most influential books in evangelical history was penned by the brilliant journalist-turned-theologian Carl F. H. Henry (1913-2003). The book was The Uneasy Conscience of Modern [...]
Some skeptics claim that Christianity stole its fundamental claims from preexisting pagan religions. In this episode, Kenny responds to this claim, making it clear that there is absolutely no [...]
Was Jesus a real person? Did he actually exist? Is there evidence that Jesus was a real historical person? Yes, Jesus was indeed a real person. And, yes, there is plenty of evidence for this. In [...]
In response to an email from a regular listener which included a question about the mixture of Christian theology and American nationalism. Some Christians claim that the USA is a [...]
In this episode, Kenny dives into the terms “conservative” and “liberal” explaining what they literally mean, and more importantly, explaining how those terms are utilized [...]
Within Christian theology, heterodoxy has typically been explained as any Biblical interpretations or Christian doctrines that are different from the official or orthodox positions of the church [...]
In response to a recent email, Kenny makes clear what the first century Jews believed about reincarnation, specifically in regards to a prophecy given by the prophet Malachi about the idea of [...]
In this episode, Kenny addresses a point brought to him by a regular listener about the completion of the New Testament, the authenticity of the Biblical narratives, and the completeness (or [...]
Was Jesus ever married? Did He have any biological children? Was He married to Mary Magdalene? Or was she His concubine? And has there been a massive cover up by the Catholic Church to hide these [...]
In 1947, an incredible archaeological discovery was made in some desert caves located near the Dead Sea. Several hundred scrolls from ancient times were found; more than 200 hundred of them were [...]
A common question asked by new believers and those inquiring about the Christian faith, “How do we know the Bible hasn’t been changed over the course of centuries since the early [...]
The name “Josephus” is a name that is “thrown around” in many Jewish and Christians circles on a regular basis; but who was this man? And why does he matter to our lives [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the question, “What does it mean to be confessional?” In essence, Kenny explains how subscribing to, or fully affirming, an historical confession can be [...]
Throughout the course of the podcast’s history thus far, Kenny has mentioned, quoted, and even praised Martin Luther several times. However, history tells us that Martin Luther was [...]
In a previous episode of the podcast, episode 35: Why Are There So Many Different Denominations?, a regular listener of the podcast made this comment: “[You described] the Reformation as [...]
This episode is a part of the mini-series on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Herein Kenny examines the historical nature and historical evolution of the holiday that we now called Easter [...]
There are many skeptics that claim the resurrection never happened, but rather it was a fabrication by the early Christians, led by the Apostles. But this does not make sense. When we consider [...]
The central and foundational truth upon which Christianity is built is the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the lynch-pin of our faith. If Jesus did not raise from the dead, then [...]
There are more than 40,000 Christian denominations in the world today. But this wasn’t always the case. For the first several centuries of the church, there was only one branch of [...]
Often times, certain secular progressives attack Christians by asserting that any person of faith should not ever use their faith or religious beliefs to determine their political ideologies. [...]