297: “Total Depravity”: The Heart of the Debate
In this episode Kenny again tackles the “Calvinism and Arminianism” debate (which happens to be one of the most heated debates amongst Protestants). Herein episode 297, Kenny unpacks [...]
In this episode Kenny again tackles the “Calvinism and Arminianism” debate (which happens to be one of the most heated debates amongst Protestants). Herein episode 297, Kenny unpacks [...]
In this episode Kenny tackles one of the most heated debates amongst evangelicals: Calvinism vs. Arminianism. Kenny gives the history of Calvinism and Reformed theology, and then explains the [...]
In this episode Kenny explains the historical origins and evolution of Calvinist soteriology. He then explains that the acronym TULIP is a helpful tool to remember the five main points of [...]
In this episode Kenny explains the heart of Protestant theology, which can be summed up in five key theological statements known as “The Five Solas.” The Five Solas of the Protestant [...]
In this episode, Kenny briefly explains and outlines the history and essence of Reformed Theology (also known as Calvinism). This podcast episode is designed to be a foundational episode, laying [...]
After a four year hiatus, Kenny Ortiz is resurrecting the “Theology for the Rest of Us” podcast. He gives an update on his life. Then, he comes back strong by asking the question, [...]
In this episode, Kenny tackles the reality that there will be various opinions and convictions from different people in our lives and churches as we make attempts to return to some sense of [...]
In this episode, Kenny encourages and challenges listeners to be very careful with what they post on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many Christians are posting things that seem to be [...]
Currently, the world is facing a global pandemic—the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In the midst of the panic, fear, and frustrations there are many different responses. One common phrase used by [...]
Each year North American evangelicals spend millions of dollars on short-term missions trips. A recent listener of the podcast asked whether or not this is appropriate? Would it be better for us [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the question: “How Much Money Should I Be Giving?” In essence, Kenny makes it clear that there’s no precise set amount that we ought to give, but [...]
In this episode, Kenny tackles the word “saved” and how it’s utilized by many contemporary evangelicals. In addition, Kenny covers the prominent Christian adage that “we [...]
People often ask, “Why did God allow Adam to sin in the first place?” Many have wondered, if God knew that sin would cause such devastation to humanity, and such eternal consequences, [...]
This episode is a sequel to the previous episode. In episode 283 Kenny responded to an email that had asked about how Christians ought to pray. Here in this episode, Kenny explains how the [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers an email from a regular listener about prayer. The email asked if Christians ought to recite specific prayers, such as the Lord’s Prayer or other prayers [...]
Some skeptics claim that Christianity stole its fundamental claims from preexisting pagan religions. In this episode, Kenny responds to this claim, making it clear that there is absolutely no [...]
Was Jesus a real person? Did he actually exist? Is there evidence that Jesus was a real historical person? Yes, Jesus was indeed a real person. And, yes, there is plenty of evidence for this. In [...]
There have been moments when some well-meaning evangelicals have challenged certain scholars merely on the basis that those scholars just so happen to be scholars, as if scholarship itself is [...]
In this episode Kenny answers a question from a listener about the omnipresence of God, and whether or not God is in hell. Sometimes modern evangelicals frequently use the term [...]
U.S. President Donald Trump appeared at McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia on June 2, 2019 where prominent pastor and author David Platt serves as the primary teaching pastor. Eventually [...]
On Sunday June 2, 2019, U.S. President Donald Trump made an impromptu visit to McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia. President Trump was there to honor the lives of those individuals that were [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the question, “Should we value all opinions?” Another way to answer this question is to say, “Are all opinions created equal?” or [...]
We live in an age where cynicism runs rampant. How are Christians to live in such difficult times? Unique of all people, Christians are called to embrace a hopeful outlook on life. In this [...]
This episode is a follow-up to the previous episode wherein Kenny talked about how to handle false teachers, even when we have been somehow benefited by those preachers’ teachings or [...]
There is a lot of controversy in Evangelical circles about our approach to heresies, false teaching, and erroneous teachers. In this episode Kenny answers the question “Can people still [...]
When you’re in the midst of suffering, you want answers for the unanswerable, resolutions to the unresolvable. You want to tie up pain in a pretty little package and hide it under the bed, taking [...]
In this episode Kenny discusses the concept of apologetics as being the defense of the Christian faith and the Biblical worldview. We are called to defend and give reasons for why we believe the [...]
In this episode Kenny discusses the concept of intelligent design, which asserts that the universe was indeed intentionally created and fashioned by some supreme creator or intelligent being. [...]
There are various opinions about how we ought to approach our study of the origins of humanity. And there are various pieces of data coming from different genres of science that impact that [...]
In this episode, Kenny explains the Kalam Cosmological Argument and why it is a strong defense for the idea and existence of a supreme Creator. This apologetic argument asserts that since the [...]
In this episode, Kenny responds to a reviewer comment that accuses Kenny of denying creation. Kenny responds by making clear what he believers and why. Kenny also explains his motivations for the [...]
In this episode Kenny interviews world-renowned philosopher and best-selling author J.P. Moreland about his new book “Scientism and Secularism.” The book is about some of the [...]
There are many arguments for the existence of a Creator. One of the arguments is the fine tuning Argument. The fine-tuning argument is a philosophical and scientific argument that asserts that [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews world-renowned astronomer and best-selling author Hugh Ross about various topics related to Old-Earth creationism and Old Testament hermeneutics. Dr. Ross is [...]
When it comes to the origins of the Earth, the most prominent perspective held by many contemporary American Evangelicals is the concept of Young-Earth Creationism. This is the idea that God [...]
Many people in our contemporary society claim to be focused on the “evidence” only, therefore they refuse to embrace anything that seems non-scientific, which would cause them to [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews Ben Stanhope about the topic of the Leviathan and the Behemoth, as mentioned in the Old Testament. In this interview Ben discusses the Ancient Near Eastern [...]
In this episode Kenny answers the question, “Are Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible?” The primary Bible passages that Kenny examines are Job 40 & 41. Kenneth OrtizKenneth E. Ortiz [...]
The questions about the historicity and legitimacy of Adam and Eve are important ones, with serious theological ramifications directly impacting how we view sin, sin nature, and the Gospel. In [...]
Whenever discussing creationism, the topic of dinosaurs will always inevitability always come up as a part of the conversation. In this episode Kenny answers the question, “What happened to [...]
Many people claim to be committed to “science” or claim to be focused on “the evidence” and they demand that every argument and every theory within our natural realm and world solely be [...]
Many people claim to be “scientific” or focused on “evidence” when all the while ignoring one important potential genre or stream of evidence, and that is any evidence [...]
In this episode, tackles the question about animal death before the fall of mankind. Some Evangelical Christians assert that all death entered the world through the fall of Adam, therefore there [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews author, apologist, podcaster, and philosopher Tyler Vela to talk about the literary framework hypothesis of Genesis 1 as well as Tyler’s thoughts about [...]
This episode is very unique because Kenny uses the life of Steve Jobs as an illustration for this point. This episode is a sequel to the previous episode (Understanding Genesis One: Part 1) [...]
There are many different ways to interpret and understand the book of Genesis, especially chapter one. In this episode, Kenny gives some history about how Christians have viewed Genesis 1 and he [...]
In recent times there has been a new debate about the historicity of Adam. Was he a real man or is the Biblical figure just a metaphoric figure? Was he uniquely created or did he evolve? Does [...]
This episode is unique from most episodes of the podcast because this episode covers content and material from a previous episode, but simply does so in a shorter time (episode 248 is similar, [...]
In this episode, Kenny tackles the question, “Should Christians Believe in Evolution?” First, Kenny asserts the importance of clarifying what type of evolution we’re actually [...]
This episode is somewhat unique in that it covers material from a previous episode, but in a shorter time. This episode covers the same content that is covered in episode 247 however this episode [...]
How old is the universe? How old is the Earth? These are questions often asked by Christians throughout the world, seeking to understand the origins of humanity while also seeking to reconcile [...]
Many people in our world are lacking true joy and satisfaction, longing for “something more” but so many of them end up settling for a sub-par life and sub-par spirituality, simply [...]
A frequent (and tragic) trend in modern American Evangelicalism is the devaluing of the importance of quality doctrine and theology. This is evident in many ways in contemporary American [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the question: Will people from all Christian denominations go to heaven, or will only certain ones, with the right doctrine, be saved in the end? This can be a [...]
Last year, our host Kenny did a mini-series on the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Kenny tackled multiple topics related to the Holy Spirit. One of [...]
Romantic relationships can be complicated, even under the best of circumstances, but they get even more complicated when flawed philosophies and bad theology are thrown into the mix. One of the [...]
Civil disobedience has long been an effective manner of protest, both in antiquity as well as in contemporary societies. The protests led by Gandhi in India, the American civil rights movement of [...]
In response to an email from a regular listener which included a question about the mixture of Christian theology and American nationalism. Some Christians claim that the USA is a [...]
In this episode, Kenny explains the concepts of natural rights and natural law. Kenny compares and contrasts natural rights, that originate from a source that transcends governments, with legal [...]
Throughout the pages of the Old Testament, many of the kings were sinful and wicked. In other cases they may not have lived a totally wicked lifestyle, but they made some very sinful choices. Why [...]
In this episode, Kenny covers the topic of “replacement” theology, which is the term that Dispensationalists use when they are referring to concept that the Jews are no longer [...]
Recently, a regular listener sent Kenny an email asking about Yoga, and whether or not it is okay for Christians to practice it. Yoga is the traditionally Hindu theistic philosophy and ascetic [...]
In this episode, Kenny responds to an email from a regular listener asking about the word “glory” and its definition in relation to how Jesus refers to it in John 17:22. In the [...]
At face value, prayer seems to be one of the simplest and most powerful disciplines that any Christian can engage in. Prayer is an incredible privilege! We have the opportunity to talk with and [...]
In this episode, Kenny dives into the terms “conservative” and “liberal” explaining what they literally mean, and more importantly, explaining how those terms are utilized [...]
Within Christian theology, heterodoxy has typically been explained as any Biblical interpretations or Christian doctrines that are different from the official or orthodox positions of the church [...]
Traditionally, heresy has been said to be any belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious dogma and is profoundly at odds with what has generally been accepted. In this episode, Kenny [...]
With the popularity of non-orthodox Christian theology and modern liberal ideology growing within contemporary Christian circles, there has been a need to label or identify those specific [...]
Since the middle of the 1800’s theological liberalism has become an influential movement and a part of mainstream thought within many churches, seminaries, and denominations throughout [...]
There are multiple occurrences in the Scriptures of people being possessed by demons or influenced by evil spirits and principalities. Recently, Kenny received an email from a regular listener [...]
The most frequent questions that Kenny gets (both from podcast listeners as well as from some of the young people that he has mentored) are typically related to the topic of sex. One frequently [...]
Multiple times throughout his ministry career and throughout his correspondence with regular listeners of the podcast, Kenny has been asked about nudity in media, in the arts, and in our society [...]
Throughout the New Testament the apostles made reference to the Old Testament law and its connection to the Gospel. The law was the set of rules, regulations, and expectations that God had set [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews a personal friend about a recent non-profit organization she launched called “Closely Held.” Several years ago, Amber Matyi and her husband had a [...]
The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koiné Greek. Some observers have pondered the question: As the Scriptures have been translated from its original languages into modern [...]
The traditional role of mothers throughout human history has been to have their primary focus to be on child rearing and home making. However, modern feminism has changed that throughout Western [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers a question based upon recent correspondence with a regular listener about discipleship. What’s the difference between a convert and a disciple? We are all [...]
Many segments of our contemporary society do not value work within the home. Other segments even look down on mothers that choose to stay at-home with the kids instead of [...]
There are many people who claim that they are Christians, but is it possible to determine if they truly are Christians? Can you know if they are genuine followers of Jesus? Have they truly been [...]
Dealing with heresies and dealing with those individuals whom espouse heresies is something that the church has been dealing with since the church’s inception. In this episode, Kenny [...]
As a part of an on going mini-series on issues related to homosexuality, Kenny addresses the questions around Christian business owners being forced to serve same-sex weddings, as well as other [...]
Mainstream views on homosexuality have shifted significantly in contemporary society over the past decade. Being homosexual is viewed as being perfectly normal, and even celebrated, by many [...]
Lots of gay people claim that their inclinations and affections for the same gender are feelings that they have experienced since they were very young. Most would claim: “I was born this [...]
Contemporary western society is becoming increasingly more hostile towards the Gospel and increasingly more accepting of alternative lifestyles. People who stand for traditional Biblical morality [...]
The cultural stigma around homosexuality has lessened significantly over the past few years in Western society, but certainly still remains. And the cultural stigma that is around homosexuality [...]
There has been a moral revolution in America over the last few years, changing how people view homosexuality and other related topics. One recent expectation is the idea of complete [...]
Parenting is one of the greatest privileges, and one of the greatest responsibilities, that God has given to human beings. If you are a parent you know how hard parenting can be, and how tough it [...]
Typically, American Evangelicals are conservative in their theology and conservative in their politics as well. That means that most American Evangelicals support the typical conservative [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers an email from a regular listener about the desire for death. Kenny first responds with some pastoral wisdom for anyone feeling this way. Then Kenny reminds us of [...]
In this episode, Kenny explains the concept of being “orthodox” and why we ought to evaluate the beliefs that were embraced by previous generations of Christians. Kenneth OrtizKenneth [...]
Often, critics of Christianity challenge the idea that “God is good” because it seems that God does things that He has told us not to do. Some people even claim that God is a moral [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews pastor and author Tim Carson about the concept of liminality, its importance to our faith journeys, and its transformational power in our lives when [...]
Is there ever a set of circumstances where it is appropriate for a Christian to file a lawsuit against the government, a corporation, or a non-believing individual? In our previous episode (#204) [...]
Should a follower of Christ ever file a lawsuit against another follower of Christ? Does the Bible address this? Is there ever a scenario wherein it would make sense or be appropriate for one [...]
Curiosity is such a childish word, right? Well, not so fast. Just because we grow up doesn’t mean we should lose our inclination towards curiosity. In this episode, Kenny interviews Barnabas [...]
The Holy Spirit is often discussed and disputed by many Evangelical Christians. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, and He plays a vital role in our lives. As we evaluate the [...]
Many people claim to experience the grace and presence of God, even those who do not necessarily profess faith in Christ. Is this possible? In response to an email from a regular listener, Kenny [...]
In response to several recent personal conversations, Kenny addresses the idea of having a “dry” season, wherein we feel far or distant from God. What should we do when our passions [...]
Many people pray, not just Christians. But to whom are they praying? And are their prayers effective? In response to a recent email that Kenny received from a regular listener, that does not [...]
The Bible says that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. Does that mean He is stuck only in one place? And if so, does that mean Jesus is not omnipresent? Can Jesus be every where at [...]
Jesus claimed to not know the day or hour of His return to Earth, but yet historical Christianity claims that Jesus is God. How can Jesus be God if He doesn’t know everything? Is Jesus [...]
In response to a recent email, Kenny makes clear what the first century Jews believed about reincarnation, specifically in regards to a prophecy given by the prophet Malachi about the idea of [...]
Euthanasia and assisted suicide are growing in popularity throughout Western cultures. In this episode, Kenny address the ideology behind euthanasia and the “culture of death” that is [...]
One of the more unique events of the life of Jesus takes place on a mountainside and is often referred to as the “Transfiguration of Jesus.” In response to two recent emails from [...]
The idea of sending people, money, and resources to other nations in hopes of proclaiming the Gospel is known as “missions” and it has been a big part of the Church since its [...]
The Christmas season has many traditions. One of the most famous traditions in the United States is the Santa Claus myth. This is begs the question: Should Christian parents raise their own kids [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers a question from a regular listener about talking to friends who may be a part of a church that is preaching heresy or being unfaithful to Biblical texts. In [...]
Some Christians claim it is sinful to make any statue or image of Christ because it is a violation of the second commandment. Some might even say that this applies to movies that depict Christ. [...]
In episode 183, Kenny answered the question: Were There Any Writings From God that Are Not in the Bible? In that episode, Kenny mentioned the Letter to the Laodiceans that is mentioned by the [...]
Suicide is a sensitive and sobering topic. Many people know someone who has committed suicide. Many Christians have asked, if someone commits suicide, will they go directly to hell? Or is there a [...]
Two of the most well-known non-orthodox faiths in American today are the Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Most evangelical Christians would label these faiths as “cults” and [...]
Many people are fascinated with the concept of talking to angels or corresponding with other spiritual beings beyond our dimension. This is nothing new. And many of the celebrity psychics in our [...]
Quite frequently, younger Christians ask whether or not it is wrong or sinful to listen to secular music. In this episode, Kenny makes it clear that no, it is not necessarily sinful, but that [...]
There are many people who believe, and publicly assert, that Christians are “obligated” to vote in order to influence the direction of our government. In this episode, Kenny makes [...]
Some people have asked, “Are there any books, letters, or writings that were inspired by God that about to be in the Bible but, for some reason or another, was left out of the Bible by the [...]
In this episode, Kenny addresses a point brought to him by a regular listener about the completion of the New Testament, the authenticity of the Biblical narratives, and the completeness (or [...]
Many people have faced the choice: Which church should my family and I attend? When we are faced with this question, there are many elements that impact and influence our decision. In this [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the question: Is it wrong to want to be God’s favorite person? Kenny answers this question by examining the words of Jesus in Mark 10 when James and John [...]
Halloween has been a popular, and overly commercialized, pseudo-holiday in the United States for more than a century. But many Christians have protested the tradition, claiming the pseudo-demonic [...]
Occasionally, in life, we experience something that is simply so good, and so profoundly in our favor, that we feel like the thing might be too good! Or, when we sense that something is too good, [...]
Traditionally speaking, the role of elder/pastor has been filled by men. But over the last 100-150 years, there has been a movement to allow women to fill the role of elder/pastor within [...]
Quite often whenever the topic of women in ministry comes up, defenders of the egalitarian position mention the Old Testament judge Deborah. Some people believe that God’s allowance of a [...]
It has been a typical practice in North America for women to change their last name when they get married. Is this a Biblical practice? If not, would it be wrong if a woman doesn’t change [...]
There has been a relatively recent phenomenon within modern church movements to open the office of elder/pastor to women. While this was not the historical norm of churches, it has become [...]
Egalitarianism is a thought within the world of philosophy that promotes precise equality among all people. But in Christian theology, the term egalitarianism typically refers to the concept that [...]
Many Evangelical Christians have allowed modern movements to influence their ways of thinking, and even compromise their ability to stick to Biblical values. One such modern movement that has [...]
Complementarianism is the idea that men and women have different complementary roles within marriage and church leadership. In this episode, Kenny explains the concept and how it ought to play [...]
The Apostle Matthew records some interesting words for us, words that came from the mouth of Jesus praising his cousin and fellow rabbi John the Baptist. “Truly, I say to you, among those [...]
The Old Testament prophet Isaiah declared that the Messiah would be born of a virgin and that He would be called “Immanuel” (see Isaiah 7:14). So with that in mind, why did Mary name [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews web developer, writer, blogger, and podcaster Josh Armstrong about being intentionally and purposefully culturally relevant and the importance of avoiding just [...]
In Genesis, there is a group called the Nephilim. There has been much speculation as to who this group was. Many evangelicals believe that this group were the offspring of fallen angels whom had [...]
In this episode, our host Kenny interviews theologian and leadership expert Kenneth Freire about the primary differences between spiritual gifts and natural talents. We all have strengths and [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews author and broadcaster Erik Guzman about his new book “The Seed” and they dive into a great discussion about a variety of matters related to [...]
On every major issue, doctrine, or point of theology, there are a variety of views and perspectives. Even within Protestantism there are many differing opinions and conclusions. In episode 101, [...]
The Jews in the first century were meticulous record keepers, in particular with genealogies. The primary reason this was important was because they were awaiting their Messiah, whom they [...]
Addiction is a very sensitive topic that impacts the lives of many people. People can find themselves being addicted to drugs, sex, alcohol, tobacco, food, gambling, compulsive spending, [...]
Each person who puts their faith in Christ will spend eternity with Him; basking in the love, joy, and peace of God forever. For all of eternity we shall sing His praises and delight in His [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews author and international speaker Ajith Fernando about the importance of Christian leaders having a healthy family life. Anyone involved in Christian ministry [...]
The Sabbath was an essential part of the life, culture, and worship for the Hebrew people throughout the pages of the Old Testament; and still remains an essential part of the culture of Israel [...]
In this episode, Kenny talks about the spiritual discipline of fasting. Kenny specifically talks about ways to fast and the power fasting has to usher you into deeper intimacy with the Lord. [...]
Many atheists and secular progressives have sought to attack Christianity and undermine the integrity of the New Testament’s message by pointing out things that God has done things [...]
The concept of “soul sleep” is the idea that humans are completely unconscious or unaware of their surroundings between their physical death and the end of this age when the dead are [...]
The Book of Ecclesiastes is one of the most unique books of the entire Bible. It has some great wisdom and unique perspective from the wisest man to ever live King Solomon; but this book also [...]
There are many questions in the arenas of faith and spirituality. Many people wrestle with a variety of faith-related ideas, and there is no shortage of sources and outlets in the world giving [...]
Many world religions embrace the concept of reincarnation; but it is a Biblical concept? Does the Bible teach that we will be reborn after we die? In this episode, Kenny makes clear what the [...]
Was Jesus ever married? Did He have any biological children? Was He married to Mary Magdalene? Or was she His concubine? And has there been a massive cover up by the Catholic Church to hide these [...]
In this episode, Kenny explains and defines the concepts of Theonomy and Christian Restructionism. Theonomy is the idea that Old Testament law should be considered morally binding. Theonomists [...]
Sometimes we feel remorse or guilt for our sinful actions. Is this good or bad? Well, it depends on the source of those feelings and impressions. Sometimes those feelings are coming from the [...]
Theologically speaking, the Book of Hebrews is one of the most important books of the entire Bible. It eloquently defines Jesus Christ as our High Priest, supreme over all of creation, and [...]
The desire of church leaders to reach irreligious or unchurched people is certainly not a new desire, and there have been many movements throughout church history influenced by that simple [...]
There is a common saying in modern Evangelical circles that whenever someone repents and comes to faith in Christ (often called “getting saved”), the angels in heaven “throw a [...]
In 1947, an incredible archaeological discovery was made in some desert caves located near the Dead Sea. Several hundred scrolls from ancient times were found; more than 200 hundred of them were [...]
A common question asked by new believers and those inquiring about the Christian faith, “How do we know the Bible hasn’t been changed over the course of centuries since the early [...]
One of the primary tenants of the Christian faith is the authority of the Scriptures. The Bible is heavily relied upon by many people for the development of theology and doctrine as well as [...]
The name “Josephus” is a name that is “thrown around” in many Jewish and Christians circles on a regular basis; but who was this man? And why does he matter to our lives [...]
There is a common belief among many Christians that “all sins are equal”… but is idea this true? In this episode, Kenny dives into the history of this common belief and what [...]
In this episode, our host Kenny interviews theologian Kenneth Freire about preachers publicly “calling out” other preachers with whom they disagree. Freire says that there is indeed a [...]
The system and framework of theology which asserts that the covenants are essential to overall hermeneutics (Biblical interpretation) is known as Covenant Theology, and it is typically contrasted [...]
This episode is a follow-up to our previous episode about Covenant Theology. As stated in the previous episode, there are two primary frameworks used by most Protestants today to interpret [...]
There are two primary frameworks used by most Protestants today to interpret Scripture: Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism. In this episode, Kenny talks about both frameworks of theology, [...]
We know that the Jewish people were God’s chosen people, the nation that God chose to use as His instrument to bring forth the Messiah. This is a big deal that cannot be overstated. But [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the question, “What does it mean to be confessional?” In essence, Kenny explains how subscribing to, or fully affirming, an historical confession can be [...]
Many people have asked their pastors and church leaders about the topic of the “unpardonable sin” that Jesus talks about in Matthew 12:31-32. In that passage Jesus makes it clear that [...]
What is the prosperity gospel movement? Why is it so popular? Why is it so dangerous? With the rise of this so-called ” gospel” movement, it is very important to answer these [...]
What does it mean to have a seared conscience? And, maybe more importantly, is this condition irreversible? Or once you have a seared conscience, is that the final condition of your soul? In this [...]
In this episode, our host Kenny interviews his personal friend Kenneth Freire about the trustworthiness of the Bible and the importance of shaping our lives around the core values we see in [...]
Déjà vu is a French term that literally means “already seen” and refers to a phenomenon that many people have claimed to experience wherein they experience having a strong sensation [...]
Suicide is a controversial topic, as well as a sensitive one for many people, therefore we ought to not be flippant as we dialogue about the subject. With that stated, we know that suicidal [...]
Some people claim that the Bible supports slavery; or that it does not say enough in condemning the institution of slavery. Are those people right? In addition, many of those same people claim [...]
Many people are proud of their nation, but some people wonder whether or not it is wrong to have any love of country. Others have wondered if they can find a way to take any pride in a nation [...]
In this episode, Kenny answers the questions whether or not it is okay for Christians to be cremated; or is it sinful. As with many topics, Kenny tells us that asking about whether or not it is [...]
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) Several [...]
It is widely believed by most Evangelical Christians that once we get into heaven and with Jesus, that we will not ever be able to sin or ever choose to walk away from God. This begs the [...]
Gambling, card games, sports betting, games of luck or chance, poker tournaments, and even raffles. These are all forms of contests that have been labeled as “gambling” by many [...]
Did Jesus have physical siblings? If so, wouldn’t that prove that Mary was not a virgin for her entire life? And, if that is the case, why do Catholics still refer to her as the [...]
In this episode, Kenny responds to a regular listener asking about giving to charities. Kenny opens the episode by making it clear that Christians should be extremely generous; God has given us [...]
Throughout the Scriptures we see these supernatural creatures called “angels” highly involved in a variety of things that God is doing with and through His own people. While we [...]
Throughout the centuries God revealed His truth to certain people, and in most cases those persons documented the revealed truth. Typically the truth was revealed for some specific contemporary [...]
Throughout the Bible we see several moments when God spoke to people through dreams and visions. Does God still do this? Does He still speak to people in this manner? In this episode, Kenny [...]
In the pages of the Old Testament, we see God declare pork (and several other foods) as unclean. Any person that ate these foods would be labeled “unclean” meaning that he/she would [...]
God cares deeply about the world. As Christians, one of our greatest desires ought to be to see the Gospel proclaimed in every place on Earth. In order to do so, we need to engage people-groups [...]
Since the late 1990’s, the concept of multi-site/multi-campus churches has grown is great popularity across North America. One model for church “scalability” has been the idea [...]
In this episode, our host Kenny answers the question “Are Tattoos Wrong?” He reminds us that God did indeed command the Jewish people in the Old Testament to refrain from tattoos, but [...]
While it may be rare in our modern Western world, there are some Christian communities and church leaders that hold to a more strict and more conservative view on women’s fashion and [...]
In this episode, Kenny addresses a question that he has been asked many times over the course of his ministry experience. Often young Christians have asked him whether or not they should jump [...]
Along with the expansion of new technologies and new media forums, has also come the availability of new Christian media too. One of the forums that has grown in popularity and availability over [...]
We live in a world filled with people in need; people facing difficulties such as hunger, poverty, educational needs, advocacy, injustice! One very simple way to serve people is to meet these [...]
Multiple times in the Gospels, Jesus is called the “son of man.” In fact, it seems to be Jesus’ favorite term to use when referring to Himself. In this episode, Kenny dives into [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews pastor Matt McAfee for a second time. In this interview, Kenny and Matt dive into a conversation about understanding the “fruit of the Spirit” and [...]
In the Gospel of John, Jesus uses the term “earthly things” as He is telling the inquiring Nicodemus that some spiritual things are simply just not going to be understood by humans [...]
Many people have asked, “Why didn’t God send Jesus to Earth sooner?” It seems that God waited too long. Why did God choose to send Him at that particular time in human history? [...]
Jesus promised us “abundant life” but whenever we honestly consider and examine the life of most believers, we discover that most believers are not experiencing an abundant life at [...]
We received an email, from a regular listener, asking about how we, as Bible-believing Christians, ought to approach areas and genres of our lives that the Bible isn’t totally clear about, [...]
The baptism of Jesus is outlined in all four Gospels, and in each case we are told that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove immediately after His baptism. The Bible tells us that the [...]
In this episode, Kenny responds to an email that came from a regular listener, asking him to clarify a term he used in a previous episode. Kenny used the term “God-Man” in a previous [...]
There are two commonly held beliefs examined in this episode. The first is the fact that most people believe that one of the greatest themes of the New Testament is taking care of the poor. The [...]
Is every area of doctrine important? Or are there areas of doctrine that matter more than others? Yes, every area is important, but not every area of doctrine is of equal importance. Some issues [...]
As a celebration for the 100th episode of the podcast, Kenny shares the greatest lesson he has learned since launching the podcast back in January 2016: God can use anyone! After giving us that [...]
What does it take to be a genuine Christian? What must a person believe and embrace in order to be considered a true Christian? Must a person embrace everything related to Christianity? There are [...]
We believe that every Christian ought to cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit; seeking to engage with the Holy Spirit, His supernatural wisdom, His sanctifying power, and the spiritual [...]
In John 16, Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit would come into the world and “convict” people in the areas of sin, righteousness, and judgement. What does this mean? In this episode, [...]
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, but why is there confusion around His name? Why do some Christians refer to Him as the “Holy Ghost” instead of calling Him the [...]
As a part of our series on the Holy Spirit, Kenny interviews pastor and podcaster Greg Dutcher about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, specifically talking about the more “ecstatic” gifts [...]
There are many spiritual gifts listed in the Scripture; gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit, so that we will have the ability to accomplish certain tasks or take on certain roles, so that we can [...]
As a part of the recent mini-series on the Holy Spirit (and the gifts of the Holy Spirit) Kenny has interviewed several pastors about the importance of approaching the Holy Spirit in a Biblical [...]
In this episode Kenny explains the difference between prescriptive forms of writing in the Bible and descriptive forms of writing in the Bible. When we misunderstand the style of writing we run [...]
There is a segment of contemporary Evangelical Christianity that believes that every true Christian has to ability to speaking in tongues. Those Christians typically fall into the [...]
There is much controversy around the topic of speaking in tongues within contemporary North American Evangelical churches. In this episode, Kenny clearly explains that speaking in tongues is a [...]
There are a variety of views of the Holy Spirit and how He interacts with believers. There are three main perspectives among modern Evangelical Christians, as well as a fourth minority view. In [...]
Whenever God gives a person a supernatural ability to do some particular thing or to fulfill some particular role, it can be said that specific person has been gifted by God to do that specific [...]
Prophecy is a grossly misunderstood spiritual gift that often gets maligned or abused. In this episode, Kenny explains what the Old Testament office of “prophet” actually consisted of [...]
Whenever a person puts their whole faith in Christ, they are forgiven of their sin and invited into friendship with God. This is the moment when someone becomes a genuine Christian; in our [...]
There is much confusion in the modern church about the Holy Spirit. One of the greatest gifts God has given us is His Holy Spirit; it is an absolute privilege to have God with us all the time. In [...]
In this episode, Kenny responds to a question from a regular listener: “Does God love everyone unconditionally?” First, Kenny notes that God does indeed love every person, but it is [...]
Many Muslims claim that their religion embraces Jesus as a great prophet and a great teacher, so many of them find it odd (and even offensive) that orthodox Christians do not embrace [...]
Over the centuries religious skeptics and critics have claimed that all religions are just different perspectives of the same God. Others have claimed that the world’s three major [...]
Jesus is called the Son of God throughout the New Testament. But He is not the only person given the label “son of God.” The term occurs more than 40 times in the Bible, mostly in the [...]
A regular listener of the podcast sent in an email asking, “Can gay people go to heaven?” This is a question often asked when people read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 where it states that a [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews author, speaker, and college professor Dr. Preston Sprinkle about homosexuality, but more specifically about how Christians ought to engage with people who [...]
In this episode, Kenny clearly explains why God labels homosexuality as a sin. Kenny starts the episode apologizing to any person who identifies as gay who has been mistreated by Christians. [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews Dr. Corey Allan for a second time. This time they talk about “sex toys” and how married couples can approach the topic of being “diverse” [...]
With the ever changing cultural landscape of North America, many companies are now passing policies that are not in line with a Biblical worldview. This means more and more that Christians will [...]
There has been a recent debate around the topic of transgender people, specifically their usage of public bathrooms. So, that begs the question, How should we, as Christians, respond to this [...]
Many Christians compartmentalize their lives in such a way that their theology never bleeds into certain areas, but our theology should impact every area of our lives. In this episode, Kenny [...]
In this episode, our host Kenny is joined, once again, by pastor, speaker, and podcaster Stephen Mackey (M.Div.) to discuss the importance and magnitude of each individual person’s view of [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews a pastor friend Stephen Mackey (M.Div) to answer a tough theological question that came in from a regular listener of the podcast. The question was: “I [...]
Topics related to mental illness are very sensitive for many people, therefore it is essential that we have quality Biblical theology around the topic of mental health and related issues. A few [...]
Sometimes people believe that God seemingly condemns certain things or certain behaviors arbitrarily, randomly, or haphazardly. This is not true. In this episode, Kenny explains that we were [...]
In this short episode, Kenny makes it clear that God never punishes believers. The Father has already punished his own Son Jesus at the cross, therefore there is no need to punish you. However, [...]
In this episode, Kenny interviews David Schrock (Ph.D., SBTS) about the importance of studying the character and nature of God; being diligent in seeking to understand all areas of theology. [...]
A somewhat frequently asked question is, “Was God unjust when He asked Abraham to kill his own son Isaac?” Sometimes this question is asked by Bible skeptics as an attack, while other [...]
The discussion about the duality (or dichotomy) of mankind versus the triune nature (or trichotomy ) of mankind is a mini-debate among some Christian theologians. People have asked, “Are we [...]
The question answered herein this episode comes from a regular listener, after he listened to episode 55: Why Does Sexual Purity Matter? His questions is about cohabitation before marriage. Many [...]
Some times people claim that the God of the Old Testament seems so much angrier than the God we see in the New Testament, reflected in the man Jesus. But the God of the Old Testament is the same [...]
Many of us have heard someone say, “Don’t judge me!” or “Only God can judge me!” Should we, as Christians, follow those sorts of requests? Kenny answered this question in a previous [...]
There are many people in the world that claim to be angry at God. That begs the question: Are we ever justified in any such anger towards God? Are there any circumstances that would allow this to [...]
Throughout the course of the podcast’s history thus far, Kenny has mentioned, quoted, and even praised Martin Luther several times. However, history tells us that Martin Luther was [...]
Theology is extremely important because theology impacts how we live our lives. Theology is simply learning more about God. If we refuse to study theology, we are then, in essence, refusing to [...]
It has been asked by inquiring minds, “Why did God create us as humans here on planet Earth? Why not just create us in heaven?” Sometimes this question is rooted in legitimate [...]
Sometimes people accuse God of being an egomaniac. People often wonder, “Why Is God Consumed with His Own Glory?” This is a great question that has a very simple Biblical answer. In [...]
There are many different Christian denominations around the globe, with a variety of different theological perspectives. In response to a recent episode, Why Are There So Many Denominations?, one [...]
In a previous episode of the podcast, episode 35: Why Are There So Many Different Denominations?, a regular listener of the podcast made this comment: “[You described] the Reformation as [...]
Some of the most frequently asked questions asked by younger believers are about the topic of sexual purity and sexual integrity. In essence, does it really matter? Do my sexual choices today [...]
While it may seem like there’s an obvious answer to the question “What is Sin?” our podcast host Kenny feels that many people often miss the real definition of sin. Many people [...]
The now-famous Quaker author Richard Foster wrote a well-know book Celebration of Discipline to discuss the things that we can do to engage with God and grow in our faith. However, our guest on [...]
The last several episodes of the podcast have been a mini-series on the doctrine of the physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead, including several evidences for the resurrection and [...]
Over the last several episodes, Kenny has been in a mini-series about the evidences for the physical resurrection of Jesus. There are three common theories used by skeptics and liberal [...]
Can you imagine if the world’s biggest terrorist, all of a sudden, based upon an experience he claims to have had, changed his mind about his ideology? What if the biggest enemy of a [...]
Some skeptics and opponents of Christianity will concede that the early Christians did in fact believe that they had seen the resurrected Jesus Christ, but that those early Christians were [...]
This episode is a part of the mini-series on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Herein Kenny examines the historical nature and historical evolution of the holiday that we now called Easter [...]
There are many skeptics that claim the resurrection never happened, but rather it was a fabrication by the early Christians, led by the Apostles. But this does not make sense. When we consider [...]
The central and foundational truth upon which Christianity is built is the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the lynch-pin of our faith. If Jesus did not raise from the dead, then [...]
In this episode, Kenny records on-location, from Guatemala City, while on a mission trip. He talks about the importance of loving people from all over the world, not just your own backyard. Kenny [...]
Our special guest in this episode Alexis Muscarella covers the topic of suffering and the importance of viewing suffering as an opportunity to know God better. As she has faced a myriad of health [...]
There are a variety of theories surrounding Judas, the disciple whom betrayed Jesus. Sometimes the question arises: Is Judas in heaven or hell? Most Christians assume that Judas is in hell, but [...]
Ever wonder what God thinks of you? Or what type of potential He sees in you? The answer is simple: God sees greatness in you, and it’s because He put it there. In this short episode, Kenny [...]
Another way to ask this question: Should Christians tithe? This is a great question. The word “tithing” can easily seem completely foreign to many people. But to some others, [...]
The Church is the group of people who are followers of Jesus, called to “live life” together. Christians are called to meet together on a regular basis for worship, prayer, [...]
In this short episode, Kenny answers the question as to why we attend church services on Sundays opposed to any other day of the week. The Bible encourages us to meet with other believers on a [...]
Many times we see worship as something that is segmented from the rest of our lives. But everything in our lives is a form of worship. In this episode we are joined by pastor, author, blogger, [...]
Orthodox Christianity holds to high Christology, meaning we believe that Christ is “higher” than other beings, not just a good human. We believe that Jesus was both fully human and [...]
We recognize that in life there are going to be things about the character and nature of God that we simply do not understand. God is complex and infinite, therefore He is beyond our [...]
There are more than 40,000 Christian denominations in the world today. But this wasn’t always the case. For the first several centuries of the church, there was only one branch of [...]
Praying in the name of Jesus is extremely powerful. Through prayer, we can literally change the course of human history. Unfortunately, most people do not understand what it means to pray [...]
Our friend Mike Adams returns to the podcast for a second time to talk about God’s affection for us. In our previous episode with Mike, we talked about “performance based” [...]
Discipleship is the process of becoming a better disciple of Jesus and the process of intentionally building and cultivating relationships with others in order to help them become better [...]
In this episode, guest host Ricky Jones talks about the Trinity being a “spiral of delight” between three distinct Divine persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) wherein they are [...]
Jesus didn’t say, “It is MOSTLY Finished!” Of course, most Christians know that Jesus actually proclaimed: “It is finished!” while He was hanging on the cross, but [...]
Sanctification is the process that God takes us through to make us more like Jesus. The goal of sanctification is that we will live and love the way Jesus did. This process is ignited when we [...]
Justification is the central doctrine at the heart of the Gospel message. Justification is the act of God whereby God chooses to completely remove the guilt sin. Justification was the central [...]
If you’ve been around Christian circles for a while, at some point you’ve probably heard someone talk about legalism, or at minimum you’ve probably heard someone mention [...]
We’ve all heard someone say, “Don’t judge me!” Should we follow that request? Or we’ve heard someone say, “Only God can judge me!” But is this true? What [...]
In this short episode, Kenny answers a few simple questions about the word “Amen”? Kenny also makes several jokes, talks about his love for Chick-fil-a sauce, and there’s even [...]
In this episode, Kenny continues his interview with author and speaker Blaise Foret, talking about the power and importance of discovering and embracing grace. When we truly see grace, it greatly [...]
In this episode, Kenny talks with author and speaker Blaise Foret about seeing people the same way Jesus saw people. Blaise has often been accused of being a “hyper-grace” preacher, [...]
This episode is a response to a comment that was left on our website. The comment challenged Kenny’s thoughts on masturbation, outlined in episode 14: Is Masturbation Really Sin? In the [...]
Many people would verbally claim to believe that the Holy Spirit is fully God, but yet there is still a lot of confusion about the nature of the Holy Spirit. Some people seem to believe the Holy [...]
Many people walk around in life with regret, carrying the wait of their past sins and mistakes. Often times there are people who even allow the potential fear of regret to govern how they make [...]
Some times people challenge God on the sole basis that there is evil in the world. The question has been asked, “If God is so good, then why is there so much evil in the world? Why does He [...]
Sometimes Christians wonder why God has not already gotten rid of Satan? I think most of us would agree that the world would be better without Satan, so if God continually allows him to live, [...]
For as long as humans have been on the planet, Satan has been working hard at tempting us to sin and he seeks to wreak havoc. But who is this creature? Who is this character we often call the [...]
This question has been asked many times, whenever tragedy strikes; asked by many different people, from all different walks of life. But, unfortunately, it is the wrong question to ask. In this [...]
Often times, certain secular progressives attack Christians by asserting that any person of faith should not ever use their faith or religious beliefs to determine their political ideologies. [...]
Many people have been told by their pastors or parents that masturbation is bad and sinful, while there are some other church leaders that have told their flocks that masturbation is normal and [...]
Many Christians often ask about the Trinity. It can be a very difficult doctrine to understand because it defies our human logic and transcends our human understanding. In this episode, Kenny [...]
Whenever we discuss shame, we are typically referring to feeling embarrassed or humiliated because of something wrong we did, but shame actually goes much deeper than that. Shame is not just [...]
Sex is most certainly the juiciest topic. It’s the topic that everyone is interested in. Our church leaders and pastors often do a very good job of telling people to abstain from sex before [...]
Most Christians believe that aborted babies go to heaven. And most Christians are vehemently against the practice of abortion. So that leads some people to ask the question, “Why oppose [...]
Abortion is one of the hot button topics in our nation, often argued as an issue of choice or equality for women. However, these views are skewed and miss the bigger picture. God is grieved by [...]
There are few things in this life that are more painful for a parent than the lost of a child. So, when an infant dies, we’re left with the question: What happens to them when they die? Do [...]
In this episode, Kenny clearly points out the Bible verses and passages that give us confidence that Jesus really is the only way to get to heaven. Highlighted Passages: John 11:25 John 8:24 John [...]
The King James Version (KJV) was the “gold standard” of all English translations around the world for nearly 350 years. Originally published in 1612, it has past the test of time. It [...]
Why do we presume to teach anyone anything about God at all? This question posed by a friend of Kenny (the friend is not a follower of Jesus). This is an important question. Why is it that we can [...]
A frequently asked question by many believers revolves around the desire of knowing which English Bible version they ought to read to best understand what God is saying to us. There are many [...]
People often ask, “Why are there so many different translations of the Bible?” The answer simply lies in two facts: 1- Translating ancient languages into contemporary language is a [...]
Whatever you believe about God matters a lot, because it’ll impact how you live your life. Theology is simply the study of God. The more you study about God, then the more you’ll know [...]
This is the very first episode of Theology For the Rest of Us. This podcast is designed to help any person who just wants to learn more about God or learn more about whatever it is orthodox [...]