288: Are Short-Term Missions a Waste?

Each year North American evangelicals spend millions of dollars on short-term missions trips. A recent listener of the podcast asked whether or not this is appropriate? Would it be better for us [...]

285: Why Did God Allow Sin?

People often ask, “Why did God allow Adam to sin in the first place?” Many have wondered, if God knew that sin would cause such devastation to humanity, and such eternal consequences, [...]

281: Did Jesus Really Exist?

Was Jesus a real person? Did he actually exist? Is there evidence that Jesus was a real historical person? Yes, Jesus was indeed a real person. And, yes, there is plenty of evidence for this. In [...]

279: Is God in Hell?

In this episode Kenny answers a question from a listener about the omnipresence of God, and whether or not God is in hell. Sometimes modern evangelicals frequently use the term [...]

271: What is Apologetics?

In this episode Kenny discusses the concept of apologetics as being the defense of the Christian faith and the Biblical worldview. We are called to defend and give reasons for why we believe the [...]

270: What About Intelligent Design?

In this episode Kenny discusses the concept of intelligent design, which asserts that the universe was indeed intentionally created and fashioned by some supreme creator or intelligent being. [...]

257: Refuting Naturalism

Many people claim to be committed to “science” or claim to be focused on “the evidence” and they demand that every argument and every theory within our natural realm and world solely be [...]

256: What is “Naturalism”?

Many people claim to be “scientific” or focused on “evidence” when all the while ignoring one important potential genre or stream of evidence, and that is any evidence [...]

252: Understanding Genesis One (Part 1)

There are many different ways to interpret and understand the book of Genesis, especially chapter one. In this episode, Kenny gives some history about how Christians have viewed Genesis 1 and he [...]

251: Was Adam a Real Person?

In recent times there has been a new debate about the historicity of Adam. Was he a real man or is the Biblical figure just a metaphoric figure? Was he uniquely created or did he evolve? Does [...]

247: How Old Is the Universe? (5 Views)

How old is the universe? How old is the Earth? These are questions often asked by Christians throughout the world, seeking to understand the origins of humanity while also seeking to reconcile [...]

243: Prophecy Revisited

Last year, our host Kenny did a mini-series on the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Kenny tackled multiple topics related to the Holy Spirit. One of [...]

241: When is It Okay to Disobey the Law?

Civil disobedience has long been an effective manner of protest, both in antiquity as well as in contemporary societies. The protests led by Gandhi in India, the American civil rights movement of [...]

239: What Are Natural Rights?

In this episode, Kenny explains the concepts of natural rights and natural law. Kenny compares and contrasts natural rights, that originate from a source that transcends governments, with legal [...]

236: Is Yoga Okay for Christians?

Recently, a regular listener sent Kenny an email asking about Yoga, and whether or not it is okay for Christians to practice it. Yoga is the traditionally Hindu theistic philosophy and ascetic [...]

232: What is Heterodoxy?

Within Christian theology, heterodoxy has typically been explained as any Biblical interpretations or Christian doctrines that are different from the official or orthodox positions of the church [...]

230: What is an Evangelical Christian?

With the popularity of non-orthodox Christian theology and modern liberal ideology growing within contemporary Christian circles, there has been a need to label or identify those specific [...]

227: Is Oral Sex Sin?

The most frequent questions that Kenny gets (both from podcast listeners as well as from some of the young people that he has mentored) are typically related to the topic of sex. One frequently [...]

226: Is Nudity Always Sinful?

Multiple times throughout his ministry career and throughout his correspondence with regular listeners of the podcast, Kenny has been asked about nudity in media, in the arts, and in our society [...]

215: Are Gay People Born Gay?

Lots of gay people claim that their inclinations and affections for the same gender are feelings that they have experienced since they were very young. Most would claim: “I was born this [...]

209: Is it Sinful to Want to be Dead?

In this episode, Kenny answers an email from a regular listener about the desire for death. Kenny first responds with some pastoral wisdom for anyone feeling this way. Then Kenny reminds us of [...]

198: Is Jesus Omnipresent?

The Bible says that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. Does that mean He is stuck only in one place? And if so, does that mean Jesus is not omnipresent? Can Jesus be every where at [...]

186: Can Psychics Talk to Angels?

Many people are fascinated with the concept of talking to angels or corresponding with other spiritual beings beyond our dimension. This is nothing new. And many of the celebrity psychics in our [...]

176: What About Deborah?

Quite often whenever the topic of women in ministry comes up, defenders of the egalitarian position mention the Old Testament judge Deborah. Some people believe that God’s allowance of a [...]

173: What is Egalitarianism?

Egalitarianism is a thought within the world of philosophy that promotes precise equality among all people. But in Christian theology, the term egalitarianism typically refers to the concept that [...]

171: What is Complementarianism?

Complementarianism is the idea that men and women have different complementary roles within marriage and church leadership. In this episode, Kenny explains the concept and how it ought to play [...]

162: Can God Heal Addiction?

Addiction is a very sensitive topic that impacts the lives of many people. People can find themselves being addicted to drugs, sex, alcohol, tobacco, food, gambling, compulsive spending, [...]

158: What is Christian Fasting?

In this episode, Kenny talks about the spiritual discipline of fasting. Kenny specifically talks about ways to fast and the power fasting has to usher you into deeper intimacy with the Lord. [...]

153: What About Reincarnation?

Many world religions embrace the concept of reincarnation; but it is a Biblical concept? Does the Bible teach that we will be reborn after we die? In this episode, Kenny makes clear what the [...]

149: Who Wrote the Book of Hebrews?

Theologically speaking, the Book of Hebrews is one of the most important books of the entire Bible. It eloquently defines Jesus Christ as our High Priest, supreme over all of creation, and [...]

144: How Was the Bible Compiled?

One of the primary tenants of the Christian faith is the authority of the Scriptures. The Bible is heavily relied upon by many people for the development of theology and doctrine as well as [...]

142: Are All Sins Equal?

There is a common belief among many Christians that “all sins are equal”… but is idea this true? In this episode, Kenny dives into the history of this common belief and what [...]

140: What is the Covenant of Redemption?

The system and framework of theology which asserts that the covenants are essential to overall hermeneutics (Biblical interpretation) is known as Covenant Theology, and it is typically contrasted [...]

138: What is Covenant Theology?

There are two primary frameworks used by most Protestants today to interpret Scripture: Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism. In this episode, Kenny talks about both frameworks of theology, [...]

135: What is the Unforgivable Sin?

Many people have asked their pastors and church leaders about the topic of the “unpardonable sin” that Jesus talks about in Matthew 12:31-32. In that passage Jesus makes it clear that [...]

130: Was Job Suicidal?

Suicide is a controversial topic, as well as a sensitive one for many people, therefore we ought to not be flippant as we dialogue about the subject. With that stated, we know that suicidal [...]

129: Does The Bible Support Slavery?

Some people claim that the Bible supports slavery; or that it does not say enough in condemning the institution of slavery. Are those people right? In addition, many of those same people claim [...]

124: Is Gambling a Sin?

Gambling, card games, sports betting, games of luck or chance, poker tournaments, and even raffles. These are all forms of contests that have been labeled as “gambling” by many [...]

123: Did Jesus Have Siblings?

Did Jesus have physical siblings? If so, wouldn’t that prove that Mary was not a virgin for her entire life? And, if that is the case, why do Catholics still refer to her as the [...]

115: Are Tattoos Wrong?

In this episode, our host Kenny answers the question “Are Tattoos Wrong?” He reminds us that God did indeed command the Jewish people in the Old Testament to refrain from tattoos, but [...]

90: What is Speaking in Tongues?

There is much controversy around the topic of speaking in tongues within contemporary North American Evangelical churches. In this episode, Kenny clearly explains that speaking in tongues is a [...]

88: What Are the Spiritual Gifts?

Whenever God gives a person a supernatural ability to do some particular thing or to fulfill some particular role, it can be said that specific person has been gifted by God to do that specific [...]

87: What is Prophecy?

Prophecy is a grossly misunderstood spiritual gift that often gets maligned or abused. In this episode, Kenny explains what the Old Testament office of “prophet” actually consisted of [...]

85: What is the Role of the Holy Spirit?

There is much confusion in the modern church about the Holy Spirit. One of the greatest gifts God has given us is His Holy Spirit; it is an absolute privilege to have God with us all the time. In [...]

80: Can Gay People Go to Heaven?

A regular listener of the podcast sent in an email asking, “Can gay people go to heaven?” This is a question often asked when people read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 where it states that a [...]

78: Why is Homosexuality a Sin?

In this episode, Kenny clearly explains why God labels homosexuality as a sin. Kenny starts the episode apologizing to any person who identifies as gay who has been mistreated by Christians. [...]

71: Is Mental Illness Caused by Demons?

Topics related to mental illness are very sensitive for many people, therefore it is essential that we have quality Biblical theology around the topic of mental health and related issues. A few [...]

69: Does God Punish Christians?

In this short episode, Kenny makes it clear that God never punishes believers. The Father has already punished his own Son Jesus at the cross, therefore there is no need to punish you. However, [...]

54: What is Sin?

While it may seem like there’s an obvious answer to the question “What is Sin?” our podcast host Kenny feels that many people often miss the real definition of sin. Many people [...]

48: Is Easter a Pagan Holiday?

This episode is a part of the mini-series on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Herein Kenny examines the historical nature and historical evolution of the holiday that we now called Easter [...]

43: Is Judas in Heaven or Hell?

There are a variety of theories surrounding Judas, the disciple whom betrayed Jesus. Sometimes the question arises: Is Judas in heaven or hell? Most Christians assume that Judas is in hell, but [...]

39: Why Do We Go to Church on Sundays?

In this short episode, Kenny answers the question as to why we attend church services on Sundays opposed to any other day of the week. The Bible encourages us to meet with other believers on a [...]

37: Was Jesus Human or God?

Orthodox Christianity holds to high Christology, meaning we believe that Christ is “higher” than other beings, not just a good human. We believe that Jesus was both fully human and [...]

32: What is Discipleship?

Discipleship is the process of becoming a better disciple of Jesus and the process of intentionally building and cultivating relationships with others in order to help them become better [...]

29: What is Sanctification?

Sanctification is the process that God takes us through to make us more like Jesus. The goal of sanctification is that we will live and love the way Jesus did. This process is ignited when we [...]

28: What is Justification?

Justification is the central doctrine at the heart of the Gospel message. Justification is the act of God whereby God chooses to completely remove the guilt sin. Justification was the central [...]

26: Should Christians Judge?

We’ve all heard someone say, “Don’t judge me!” Should we follow that request? Or we’ve heard someone say, “Only God can judge me!” But is this true? What [...]

21: Is the Holy Spirit Fully God?

Many people would verbally claim to believe that the Holy Spirit is fully God, but yet there is still a lot of confusion about the nature of the Holy Spirit. Some people seem to believe the Holy [...]

17: Who is Satan?

For as long as humans have been on the planet, Satan has been working hard at tempting us to sin and he seeks to wreak havoc. But who is this creature? Who is this character we often call the [...]

14: Is Masturbation Really a Sin?

Many people have been told by their pastors or parents that masturbation is bad and sinful, while there are some other church leaders that have told their flocks that masturbation is normal and [...]

13: What’s the Trinity?

Many Christians often ask about the Trinity. It can be a very difficult doctrine to understand because it defies our human logic and transcends our human understanding. In this episode, Kenny [...]

12: Overcoming Shame with Aubrey Sampson

Whenever we discuss shame, we are typically referring to feeling embarrassed or humiliated because of something wrong we did, but shame actually goes much deeper than that. Shame is not just [...]

11: Why is Premarital Sex Sin?

Sex is most certainly the juiciest topic. It’s the topic that everyone is interested in. Our church leaders and pastors often do a very good job of telling people to abstain from sex before [...]

09: Why is Abortion Wrong?

Abortion is one of the hot button topics in our nation, often argued as an issue of choice or equality for women. However, these views are skewed and miss the bigger picture. God is grieved by [...]

04: Which Version of the Bible is Best?

A frequently asked question by many believers revolves around the desire of knowing which English Bible version they ought to read to best understand what God is saying to us. There are many [...]

01: What’s This Podcast all About?

This is the very first episode of Theology For the Rest of Us. This podcast is designed to help any person who just wants to learn more about God or learn more about whatever it is orthodox [...]